Early Autumn Brings a Change of Pace

The freezer is quickly filling with the last treasures that the garden will produce. I think it's going to be an early end to tomato season. The plants produced a ton of fruit all at once, and are already dying...

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Crochet Sunflower Trivet

The sunflower is my favorite flower. Our field of sunflowers are just starting to open. For those of you who are local, we will begin U-Pick usually in late July or early August! Come watch the sunset in our sunflower...

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Basic, Easy Pie Crust

I used to hate...loathe...despise making pie crust. I felt like of all the things I made in our kitchen, pie crust was the most ambiguous and temperamental. I'm not a big fan of measuring things. Which is why I enjoy...

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Harvesting Capped Honey Frames

This year has turned out to be one of the best for honey flow since we started beekeeping in 2012. Of our 4 colonies, we've nick-named our eastern hive "The Beast"! This hive is very sassy, but incredibly successful. It...

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