Early Autumn Brings a Change of Pace
The freezer is quickly filling with the last treasures that the garden will produce. I think it's going to be an early end to tomato season. The plants produced a ton of fruit all at once, and are already dying back. The zucchini are slowing down as are the cucumbers. I still have two cabbages that I'd like to turn into sauerkraut, Brussel spouts that we'll probably eat out right and another picking of beans.
Our pumpkin patch is so disappointing. We focused this spring on getting the lavender field planted and unfortunately we didn't get our pumpkins planted in the quantity I wanted. We only have a handful for decorating, eating and carving. Next year...things will be different! I'm really missing those beautiful orange globes.

As the garden duties wane, and the days are getting cooler, I've been craving time at my spinning wheel. Something about the fall makes me want to get my hand on our beautiful Mohair wool from the goats.

I've been dyeing roving and yarn when I get a chance.

Zach has been taking advantage of the cooler temperatures as well to spend some time in the heat of the forge.

He's been creating some new items like this pair of rustic candle holders.

The Autumnal decorations are slowly making their way around the house. When my mom came over last week to make zucchini bread she also helped me arrange this sunflower wreath,

inspired by the beautiful sunflower field we planted this year.

I've also been working on a new Iron Oak Farm Coloring Book that is now available to purchase on Amazon! This new one will be Autumn themed. I plan to create 3 more, each based on the seasons of the farm.

I enjoy sitting with my sketch pad in the evenings creating Fall images that I hope your children will enjoy coloring.
Lots of new things happening on the farm. Is Autumn coming where you live? If yes, what changes does the new season bring to your home and family?